Friday, March 11, 2005

Now I wonder what do we see.
Do we see more than we admit?
Do we see more than what others can see?
What is sight?
Is sight more than what we see with our eyes?
Or is it something that is special?

That's all I got at the moment. I'm in a writing mood, but I need to go to sleep and write other stuff over the wekend (time to get back to a sci-fi novel I started a little while ago). I have a sci-fi novel I want to reach 25,000 words by the end of March (I'm at about 14,800 words and wish I have written more in the last two weeks). The novel is slow going, but I have managed to at least get 300 to 400 words written without even trying. Time to step it up and get back to my 5,000 words a week goal (or at least 3,000 words a week). The goal is to write a 60,000 word novel and the plan is to submit some of it to a book publisher within the next few weeks before I have even finished it (but I should have a first draft done before I get a response back on the first three chapters (which aren't my favorite since I like the later chapters even more).


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