Tuesday, February 15, 2005


"Tony, do you love me?"
"How can you ask me that, Zoe? It is only the third date."
'I'm burning inside when I'm not in the room with you. My heart aches for you. Don't leave me. I want this to last forever." Zoe pushed her naked body against Kane's under the red satin sheets. She kissed Tony Kane. His fluids intermingled with hers.

"I don't know about forever. I have seen so much death," Kane said, "That sometimes life lasts for a moment before we're gone. I take life a day at a time. Here today, maybe gone tomorrow."

"That''s a horrible way to look at things, Tony. Love sets us free."

"Love doesn't help some. I have seen lovers dead in their bed. I have seen one confess to killing the other. This job has colored me to a point. Moments with you help remind me why I do my job. I speak for the victims because others have silenced them."

"Just shut up and slip right into me again. we have a few hours before you go to work."


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